Hagg.ai is not a news source. Hagg.ai is a threat intelligence platform that showcases how different news sources and media around the world report on antisemitism and Jewish diaspora security. Hagg.ai does this by delivering curated news, data, intelligence, information, and insights that are largely culled by our A.I. technology from thousands of online sources. Hagg.ai gives you access to the same threat intelligence tools and data that many top businesses and governments rely on!
If you find some news offensive or abusive, remember that the purpose of the Hagg.ai news monitoring is to showcase how and where news arises so you can understand the range of Antisemitism and Jewish Diaspora security news and viewpoints from around the globe.
Hagg.ai launched in October 2021.
What does our name Hagg.ai mean?
Haggai was a Hebrew prophet during the building of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, and one of the twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible and the author of the Book of Haggai. He is known for his prophecy in 520 BCE, commanding the Jews to rebuild the Temple [source]. Our Hagg.ai platform relies on A.I.-related technologies, so we figured it would be nice to connect our A.I. with the prophet Haggai 😀
How can I support Hagg.ai?
Hagg.ai relies on the generosity of supporters and donors. We have created a special page at Patreon where you can become a supporter and donate to our mission. Click the button here for more information:
How can I use Hagg.ai?
There are 3 main ways you can use our platform:
Subscribe to our daily news briefing. The daily newsletter gives you a snapshot of some of the day’s top intelligence gathered from around the world.
Use our Search box at the top of each page to dive into any topic you wish to investigate in more detail.
On each page where we outline a news story, there are even more details you can discover:
1: Date and Title
This displays both the date Hagg.ai picked up the news and the original headline of the news from the source.
2: Source
View the name of the original source website, along with the source’s icon image. You can click the source name to visit the homepage of that source.
3: Key Topics
The great power of Hagg.ai rests here, where we use A.I. technology to extract the key topics and themes for the news article. You can click each topic to see many more articles categorized to that specific topic.
4: News Snapshot
Read a quick blurb extracted from the source news.
5: View Original Full News
Click this button to go directly to the original source article on the source’s own website.
6: News Timeline
Hagg.ai is powerful and our News Timeline shows you the genesis of where this news came from and other related news stories. The Timeline builds you a history of where the news came, so you can chart where the news may go!
What about our data and content?
While the daily briefs on our website are continuously free for all subscribers, we are funded by donations. We are also funded by advertising both inside our daily email alerts and on our website. Contact us about getting your brand, product, or service exposure to our daily readers.
Individual news stories are copyright their respective sources on Hagg.ai. Computer algorithms generally select what is shown on Hagg.ai, and the algorithms determine which stories, images, and videos show, and in what order.
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© 2025 Hagg.ai. Individual news stories are copyright their respective sources. Computer algorithms generally select what is shown on Hagg.ai. The algorithms determine which stories, images, and videos show, and in what order.